5th Grade Field Trips*

5th Grade Field Trips

Field Trips are chosen to demonstrate many of the core standards and are an extension of  the concepts learned in class. We hope you can join us since we will need parent drivers for ALL of our field trips.Drivers must turn in pink insurance information forms with copies of their insurance coverage at least 5 days prior to the field trip.

List of field trips/Special Events this year:

** = need parent drivers/chaperones

The Raging Waters field trip is an incentive field trip which students can earn by turning in homework on time and having good behavior throughout the year. To be eligible for this field trip, students must turn in at least 85% of their homework on time, and have no more than 2 misconduct slips for the entire year. (write-ups).

Costs for our field trips are mainly paid for by donations from our students' families.  If possible, please donate $80 to help us cover the costs of the field trips.  This year, the Weibel PTO is helping each grade keep track of money.  If you have not donated, please do as soon as possible so we may secure a date and pay for our reservations.