Grading Policy

For most test and quizzes, we use a points system and translate it to a LETTER GRADE.
94% - 100 %    A
90% - 93 %      A-
87% - 89%       B+
84% - 86%       B
80% - 83%       B-
77% - 79%       C+
74% - 76%       C
70% - 73%       C-
67% - 69%       D+
64% - 66%       D
60% - 63%       D-
below 60%       F

To qualify for Honor Roll, students must have a 3.5 average or higher.  
Students are expected to be responsible for their own learning.  Completing classwork, turning in homework on time and studying are important study skills needed in order to maintain Honor Roll status.
** How to calculate GPA
Transfer each grade to a decimal/number
Any A grade = 4.0
Any B grade = 3.0
Any C grade = 2.0
Any D grade = 1.0 

Then, perform the following calculation:

  • Add all the converted decimal grades together – this is your sum.
  • Count the number of subjects.
  • Divide the sum by the number of subjects, and you have you GPA.

ANY ASSIGNMENT/QUIZ/TEST/PROJECT with no name or identification are subjected to losing 50% of their earned grade or automatically 50%.  

** Grades can be tremendously affected when your child does NOT put his/her name on their papers or any work.  If your child leaves off his/her name on any work (assignment/quiz/test/project), it will be subjected to losing 50% of their earned grade or automatically 50%. For fifth grade,  students need to understand the clear message that they must take ownership of and pride in their own work. 

When your child does not write his/her name on their work, then I have to search for any other missing students papers and/or I have to take extra class time to ask whose paper(s) they belong to.  It also delays the process of inputting grades into my gradebook.

Now that your child is in upper grade, he/she has to start practicing habits of writing his/her name on their paper.  In the coming years at middle school and high school, students will be channeling through classes where the teachers have at least 5 classes with 30+ students.  Thus, the teacher does NOT have time to figure out whose work the unidentified work belongs to.   

Please understand that if your child forgot to put his/her name on their work, and lost 50% of that work, it is the hope that he/she will learn from this experience.  Chances are the grade (of whichever a student doesn't put his/her name on a paper) is only worth a small portion in relation to the entire set of points.  Your child's years at elementary school is the time to practice good study skills and develop habits that will last for a lifetime.